Reviews in english

Reviews of Hjemveier

“Kristin Asbjørnsen has created a true masterpiece – that’s how it feels and that’s how it is.”
“A few times in life, music is so powerful and so personal that it leaves you with imprints that will remain. That’s how it is now being with Kristin Asbjørnsen’s fantastic universe.”

Dag & Tid
“Kristin singing in Norwegian is an exceptionally successful project.”

Vårt Land
“Kristin Asbjørnsen causes a tingle deep within the soul.
“Ambiguous music, beautifully sung and played. The lyrical mood of the songs, sung entirely in Norwegian, is highlighted by the unique voice and phrasing. The unusual instrumentation gives the album a soft and pleasant sound. Kristin Asbjørnsen has once again enchanted us with her music.»
“Hjemveier” (Ways Home) offers beautiful melodic, poetic, intimate-sacral songs in the style of contemporary Nordic jazz, interwoven with Nordic folklore or West African rhythms and vocals.”

Reviews of Traces of You

Vårt Land
“Kristin Asbjørnsen’s new album is not only timeless, it is also placeless, and will likely
become a landmark in her musical universe.”

“It’s possible that Kristin Asbjørnsen has never been better. A tender, beautiful and stirring celebration in which loss, various life impressions and changing love are sung with an embracing warmth.”

“A fabulous mix of Norwegian and African.”

“When everything is right. Kristin Asbjørnsen is back with an album in which voices, songs and string instruments come together in a perfect whole.

“Traces of the world. It is right here, in these small moments, that the world becomes a little easier to understand.”

Nettavisen (Tor Hammerø):
“Wow! Kristin Asbjørnsen sounds better, more genuine and heartfelt than ever. And that’s saying a lot.”

Salt Peanuts
“A gorgeous recording from one of Norway’s great vocalists!”

Hamar Arbeiderblad
“Barrier breaking. Kristin Asbjørnsen is moving in a compelling, finely tuned and beautiful frontier.”

NTB Artikkel
“Like lullabies for the heart.”

“Music that connects souls from north and south in an open room where a universal spirituality shines, free from dogma. Little by little, it reaches us, cradles us and strengthens us in our love for a candid web of vibrant and delicate cultural expression.”

Reviews of I’ll meet you in the morning

“Beautiful, Beautiful, and completely without pretense. Whoever is not moved by this music, needs to get a new heart.” – Dagbladet

“This sounds like it will be a winner on the concert scene this fall.” – Dagsavisen

“The more time you spend listening to this album, the more favorites [songs] you’ll find.” – Adresseavisen

It is pure joy to listen to. Meet You in the Morning. So divine and it is so good to listen to throughout the whole day.” – Fedrelandsvennen

“An album full of goodies, for people who like good music.” – GD

5/6 stars, Dagbladet

“The vocals are surrounded by the rhythms of the bass, drums and guitar or piano, that creeps, slides, vibrates, and envelops Asbjørnsen’s distinct, delicate, honest performance. Asbjørnsen’s prayers, cries, jubilation and lamenting are met with a chorus that seems to be just floating in the atmosphere. The lyrics are stripped-down exposing the suffering and burden. Beautiful, Beautiful, and completely without pretense. Whoever is not moved by this music needs to get a new heart.”

5/6 stars, Dagsavisen

“In this album, she explores the music that was responsible for her successful debut [album], Wayfaing Stranger – A Spiritual Songbook (2006). It is both understandable and welcomed that Asbjørnsen has much more to give from this rich material: Classical spirituals created and sung by African slaves in the United States, intense songs about longing and liberation. Asbjørnsen takes the songs back to Africa – this album is dedicated “to Mali,” it seems more geared towards African music than its predecessor, while it has clear traits of new Scandinavian jazz.”

5/6 stars, Adressa

“She sings with intense sincerity and a strong presence.”
“The more time you spend listening to this album, the more favorites [songs] you’ll find.”

5/6 stars, Østlendingen
5/6 stars, Fædrelandsvennen

“In 1990, this strong vocalist and song interpreter inherited two shopping bags full of songs, including 100 spirituals by Ruth Reese. We got a pretty good sampling of them with the brilliant album, The Wayfaring Stranger. This [new] album is just as good.”

“Her vocal presence is consuming. Asbjørnsen shows such empathy and understanding for the sorrowful longing and hope in the lyrics and in the context in which they are written. The music is filled with African rhythms and the great sound is hard to deny. In addition, the songs added elements of jazz with a Nordic touch.”

“It is pure joy to listen to. Meet You in the Morning. So divine and it is so good to listen to throughout the whole day.”

Press cuttings

“The night shines like the day” is one of this season’s biggest surprise!. ” (Le Point, France)

“One of Europe’s most original voices of today! ” (France Inter – Radio France)

“Snowflake is the very best song to play on cold winter days”( Télématin – France 2 TV) “A unique voice, with melancholy and energy. A new atmosphere that touches you” (Fip Radio France)

“Kristin Asbjørnsen interprets the material on its own terms, performing songs with unrivalled passion, presence and character. Recommended cuts: All of them.” (VG about Wayfaring)

“Her interpretations are so finely rendered, so tender and powerful they almost cause pain. The feeling is of being held in an embrace, following lines of history and of arriving in a safe haven. Held by Asbjørnsen’s warm yet keenly textured vocals and the metallic timbre of the guitar, these African-American spirituals come with a keen intimacy that both moves and stuns., If anything is going to get roots back into the charts or on the radio, this has to be it.” Dagens Næringsliv

“Die heisere, bluesige Stemme der 36 Jahrigen Norwegerin passt perfekt zu den kraftvollen Klagelidern» (STEREOPLAY Audiophile pop CD of the Month!) “Samtgoldene Gottesanbeiterin.

Aussergewohnlicher Abend.. In dieser unwirklichen Atmosphäre wirkt die Sangerin wie ein freundlicher Erdgeist, der uns einlädt, ihm in seine fremde Welt zu folgen. (Hamburg Zeitung)

“Asbjornsen is talented at conveying deep meaning and emotion through her vocals.. I applaud her on her great accomplishment with this collection. It expresses deep sadness and extreme loneliness. She will go far if she keeps performing like this and I look forward to her solo album. I would recommend this to everyone. Though it is hard for foreigners to become music sensations in America, I think Asbjornsen will be the next big thing.” (TheCelebrityCafe)

” the good news for music fans is the important larger discovery of the incredibly diverse and captivating Scandinavian jazz composer and vocalist Kristin Asbjornsen. Even without images, the soundtrack functions quite well by itself as a haunting, complex atmospheric work with varied moods and instrumentation.” ( Billboard about Factotum)

“I have no reservations to recommend this original jazz-pop hybrid score that showcases not only Asbjørnsen’s breath- taking vocals, but her undeniable talent as musician.” (

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