Traces of You
Published May 26, 2018
Kristin’s new album Traces Of You is met with outstanding reviews, including an article in the French Magazine
Published May 26, 2018
Kristin’s new album Traces Of You is met with outstanding reviews, including an article in the French Magazine
Published May 25, 2018
Kristin performs at Dromos International Festival in Italy August 14th, followed by several concerts in Norway, including Dølajzz October 19th.
Published April 20, 2018
Kristin medvirker under Røverklubben Mandag 23.April: events/565086007182044/
Med Olav Torget, Suntou Susso og Asle Karstad.
Les intervju med Kristin om arbeidet med Traces Of You i NPS Music her
Published April 6, 2018
Kristin Asbjørnsen Trio with Olav Torget and Gjermund Silset will perform as part of Pasionari@s 2018 in Tenerife, Spain, April 26th.
The concert will be performed in Espacio Cultural CajaCanarias, arranged by Fundación Cajasol.